Anagen Hair Restoration


Think You Know Everything About Hair Restoration? 6 Myths That Aren’t True: a blog around hair restoration myths and the techniques that will help you get your natural looking hair.

Think You Know Everything About Hair Restoration? 6 Myths That Aren’t True


Hair restoration is a booming industry. There are countless clinics across the country that are good at what they do. Even so, there still needs to be some clarification about how hair restoration works and what it can achieve. To make an informed decision about getting a hair transplant, you need to understand the myths and realities of the procedure. Read on for common hair restoration myths and what to do about them.

Myth #1: It’s not worth it because I’ll lose the restored hair after a while.

The truth is that you can expect to keep your restored hair for good. The transplanted hairs will continue to grow, with some reaching their full length over time–and they’ll look natural and like your hair once they do.

Myth #2: Only men lose their hair.

Hair loss is not just a male problem. Women can also experience it, and they may be surprised to discover that it’s not caused by genetics or stress. The truth is that there are many reasons why women lose their hair, including hormone changes and medical conditions like hypothyroidism (a condition where your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones).

Myth #3: The only way to restore hair is through a surgical procedure.

There are many ways to restore your hair, including medications and surgical procedures. Some people opt for transplant surgery, while others use Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, Minoxidil, Propecia, or Rogaine to slow down hair loss and even regrow some lost locks. (1)

If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s important to see your doctor so they can determine the best course of action. Your doctor can help you identify the cause of your hair loss and recommend the most effective treatment plan.

Myth #4: Hair transplantation is so new that it’s still experimental.

Let’s get one thing straight: hair transplantation is not new. It’s been around for decades, and it’s always improving. This procedure is not experimental–it’s proven and effective. And no, it isn’t a fad. Hair transplantation is an established, proven medical procedure performed for decades. It’s a safe and effective way to restore your hair.

Myth #5: The transplanted follicles will look like plugs.

Hair transplantation is not a pluggy procedure. The results are quite natural looking. Each follicle is individually transplanted into your scalp, so it looks like your own hair growing from that area. The transplanted hair blends in with your existing hair, so there’s no obvious scarring or plugs.

Myth #6: The transplanted follicles don’t take root and grow properly. They’ll sit there.

When you hear about a hair transplant, it’s easy to assume that the hair will grow just like it did before–and for the most part, this is true. The transplanted follicles will grow as they did in their original location on your head. However, if you’re thinking about getting a transplant done and have been told by someone that transplanted hair won’t take root or grow properly, don’t believe them.

Transplanted hair can grow better than it did in its original location. A transplant will give you more coverage at the front of your head, which means you’ll be able to conceal your hair loss.

Contrary to popular belief, a hair transplant will give you fuller coverage than you’ve had in years—and it’s permanent.

A hair transplant is not an experimental procedure. It is an accepted medical treatment that has been around for decades. Indeed, the transplanted hair will grow slower and thicker than it did in its original location. However, it can still be healthy and give you a full head of hair. Hair transplant recipients at our Hair Restoration Virginia and Hair restoration Alexandria clinics,  often say that their new hair looks better than it did before the procedure. A hair transplant is a permanent solution to hair loss that can give you the confidence and appearance that you’ve always wanted. It’s also a good choice if you’re looking for a more affordable alternative to hair replacement systems or wigs. (2)

At Anagen Hair Restoration Virginia and Hair Restoration Alexandria, our advanced technology allows us to give patients the desired results—natural-looking hair with less downtime and pain.


Hair restoration myths have been floating around for years, but they’re not true. If you or someone close to you is considering this procedure—or if you just want to learn more about it and save your life —please don’t hesitate to contact us today. The more you know, the better off you’ll be.


Strip Excision Versus FUE: What do Hair Transplant Surgeons Recommend?


In hair transplant surgery, there are two main procedures: strip excision (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). While both techniques have pros and cons, many hair transplant surgeons recommend one over the other based on patient needs. Read on if you’re interested in learning more about these two options.

What is Strip Excision?

Strip excision, also known as Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT, is a surgical hair transplant procedure. In this method, the surgeon removes a strip of scalp from the back of your head and dissects it into individual follicles. These follicles are then transplanted to your balding areas, where they will continue to grow as normal hair would.

Strip excision can be performed at any stage of balding (i.e., early or late), but it is usually done when male pattern baldness starts to cause significant hair loss in the central portion of the scalp. The surgery is performed with local anesthesia that numbs only the skin, so patients stay awake during this procedure.

Pros of Strip excision are:

  • It has a relatively better growth rate compared to the FUE
  • Less damage is done to the hair follicles during micrographic surgery.
  • The procedure does not require you to shave your head.
  • Usually costs less than Follicular Unit Excision.

Cons of Strip excision are:

  • Leaves a linear scar.
  • Cannot keep the back of your hair very short.
  • You may experience Postoperative pain at night, which may be worse with FUT compared to FUE.

What is FUE?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a less invasive procedure that involves removing hair follicles from the donor area with a small punch instrument. The resulting wound heals faster, with fewer complications than strip excision.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the only method used for hairline correction and eyebrow restoration.

In this procedure, the surgeon harvests individual follicular units from the back of your scalp one at a time using tiny punches about one millimeter wide. Because FUE uses such small incisions, you’re left with barely visible scars on your head after surgery; these disappear within six months if you massage them regularly.

PROs of FUE Hair Transplant:

  • FUE uses tiny incisions, so your scarring will be barely visible.
  • You may leave the procedure with slightly less hair than you started, but you’ll still have enough to cover your balding area.
  • Healing time is much faster than other methods, so you’ll be able to go back to work or socialize immediately.

Cons of FUE Hair Transplant

  • Slightly less growth rate compared to FUT (Strip Excision) due to higher transections.
  • The procedure is more expensive than FUT (Strip Excision). You may need multiple sessions to reach the desired coverage area.
  • The procedure takes longer than FUT (Strip Excision) due to the number of follicles that need transplanted.
  • There is also a very slight risk of scarring at the donor site. However, this risk should be minimal if done by an experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Comparison of the two hair transplant procedures

Strip excision is a surgical procedure that involves removing a patient’s balding scalp and dividing it into long, thin strips. The doctor then transplants hair follicles from these strips to the areas of the head where they are needed.

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is similar to strip excision but uses smaller grafts—between 50 and 500, which may result in more natural-looking results with less visible scarring for most patients; some prefer it due to reduced invasiveness. Also, because FUE uses individual grafts instead of strips—less damage is done during surgery than when using a strip excision method.

Recommendation from Hair Transplant Surgeons

Strip excision is the gold standard for hair transplants. However, FUE is a good alternative for patients who want to avoid scars or quickly recover. While FUE is more cost-effective than strip excision, it’s not as invasive and can be used on patients with limited donor areas.

A FUE transplant is also a good option if you have thin hair because the strip technique can damage your donor area by removing large amounts of tissue. However, only individual follicles are extracted from the donor area with FUE, so it’s less likely to cause damage than strip excision.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a less invasive and more precise hair restoration procedure that offers faster recovery time than its counterparts.

In a poll of Hair Transplant Surgeons, we asked which type of surgery they preferred. The majority said their preference was less invasive and more precise FUE procedures.

Here’s why:

  • FUE is a less invasive and more precise hair restoration procedure with a faster recovery. It uses a punch device to extract follicles from the donor area that are then transplanted into balding areas on your scalp. Since it does not require incisions, you can expect to experience little to no scarring after the procedure.
  • This method also makes it easier for hair transplant surgeons to harvest follicles from different parts of your scalp without making any incisions in your head (thus reducing any risks associated with blood loss). The hairs are transplanted individually at their desired location rather than rolled into large swaths of skin before grafting.
  • FUE is the best option for people who want to avoid shaving their heads, wearing hats, or using hair plugs due to male pattern baldness. With FUE, surgeons can also place follicles in areas where they are needed most rather than just placing them randomly throughout your scalp, as would be done with strip excision.

For more information about hair transplant procedures, visit FUE Hair Transplant Maryland. Their extensive experience with the procedure and quick painless results make them the best choice for clients looking to restore their lost hair.


If you’re considering a hair restoration procedure, it’s up to you to decide which method suits your needs. FUE and strip excision have proven results when performed by experienced surgeons on various body parts. Proceeding with surgery with an understanding of the benefits, risks, and alternatives is wise. We hope the above article clarifies these issues for you so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment plan.

Anagen Hair Restoration makes it easy for patients to find the right procedure at a location that works best for them. We make it our goal to ensure that the process of hair restoration is as simple, easy, and convenient for our patients as possible. Whether you’re looking for a NeoGraft hair transplant in Washington DC or a Transgender hair transplant, we help you find the perfect fit. Book your consultation with us or give us a call at (301) 591-6552 today!


How Long Do Hair Transplants Last? Recovery and Expectations


A hair transplant is ideal for getting a new head without waiting for years. In this post, we will talk about how long a hair transplant lasts. We will also talk about how long it will take you to regain normalcy after a procedure and what to expect from your new hair.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which follicles of healthy, viable hairs are removed from one part of the scalp and placed into an area where hair is thinning. The transplanted hair grows as it would if it had been growing on your scalp for several years, so you’ll have fullness and coverage within months.

The most common type of hair transplant is a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), which involves removing individual follicles from the donor area using an electric needle, which allows the doctor to extract each follicle individually.

If you have a significant amount of hair loss, your doctor may recommend a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) instead. This process involves removing the follicles from your scalp, one by one. The doctor will use a small punch to remove each follicle from the donor area and then transplant them into your balding area.

Another method of hair transplant is called a NeoGraft. This method uses a fine needle to insert individual follicles into the balding area, similar to FUT. The difference is that instead of using an electric needle, the doctor will use a hand-held device that injects the donor hair into your scalp.

Who can benefit from a hair transplant?

A hair transplant may be right for you if you’re experiencing hair thinning or balding. It can help men and women regain the confidence they need to face the world with a full head of hair. Hair transplants are most successful for the following conditions:

  • Traction alopecia. This type of balding is caused by repeated pulling on the hair, like from tight ponytails or braids, and usually affects women.
  • Pattern baldness (or male pattern baldness). Men lose hair in a characteristic pattern that starts at the top of the head and moves toward the back; they also tend to have a receding hairline and thinning temples.
  • Female pattern baldness. Women tend to lose more overall volume than men do. Still, their affected areas tend to be similar in shape to males who experience pattern baldness, with thinning crowns and temple recession being the most common symptoms.
  • Alopecia areata. There is no cure for alopecia areata, though there are methods (medicines and hair transplants) of treating it. This condition causes the loss of hair on the scalp and sometimes elsewhere in a random pattern.
How long do hair transplants last?

Hair transplants are long-term investments, but they do last. The transplanted hair grows and falls the same way as your natural hair, but it will generally be permanent. Many transplanted hairs will fall out within the first year after transplantation because they have not yet been fully integrated into their new environment.

In general, most patients will require a second procedure two to three years after their initial hair restoration procedure if they are still experiencing significant thinning or balding. The average interval between procedures is four to five years.

How long hair transplants last will also depend on the following factors:

  • The quality and type of hair used in the procedure
  • The skill and experience of the physician
  • The patient’s age and genetics
  • The amount of stress placed on the transplanted hairs
  • The quality of care after the procedure, including proper nutrition, exercise, and stress management.

In most cases, hair transplants need to be refreshed every five or ten years because the donor area of your scalp has a limited supply of hair follicles. If repeated surgeries overwork them, no more will grow in that area.

You should choose a doctor for your hair transplant whose work you can see has resulted in successful results with other patients.

What are the risks of having a hair transplant?

One risk associated with having a hair transplant is infection. Your scalp will be open for several days, and you’ll have to take antibiotics to prevent this from happening.

Another risk is scarring, which can occur if there isn’t enough time between procedures done by different doctors. Poor cosmetic outcomes can result if your surgeon needs to understand how to perform the procedure correctly and is using outdated techniques.

You may be sore for a few days in the areas where hair was removed during surgery—but this will not affect any future transplants because those follicles weren’t viable anyway.

Hair transplant recovery time

The recovery time for hair transplant surgery depends on the type of procedure performed, but the average recovery period is a few days to a week. After your treatment, you may experience some swelling and tenderness at the donor site. You should rest for one or two days after your procedure and avoid vigorous physical activity for several days to prevent bruising on or around your scalp. Recovery time also depends on

  • The size of the grafts – Smaller grafts take less time to recover than larger ones.
  •  Body’s healing process – Follow your post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing. You may be able to return to work after two or three days but should avoid strenuous activity for about a week.
What to expect after a hair transplant

Don’t expect miracles. It can take 2–3 months to see results, although some notice them sooner. The results are permanent, but you’ll need to maintain your hair to keep it looking good. If you stop taking care of it, the transplanted hair will fall out again.

It is normal to experience discomfort after a hair transplant, but it should gradually subside within a few days. If your pain persists, you may take over-the-counter pain medication as needed. After the surgical procedure, you can get back to normal activities. Just remember these important points:

  • Don’t wash your hair for 24 hours after the procedure. The new grafts will be swollen during this period, and washing or shampooing could dislodge them.
  • Avoid using hair products, including gels, sprays, and conditioners, until the incisions have healed completely (about a week). You may use talcum powder to keep your scalp dry if needed.
  • Avoid swimming, saunas, and hot tubs.
  • Avoid wearing a hat or scarf over the transplant area for at least two weeks after surgery so that air can circulate each graft and allow it time to heal completely. Even when you cover your head with these items again, try not to press them against one area where there has been an operation, as this could cause damage to any newly transplanted follicles.
  • Shower with a gentle shampoo, prescribed by your doctor.
  • Use a mild conditioner on the transplanted area only. The rest of your hair should be conditioned from root to tip with a moisturizing conditioner that does not contain silicone or parabens, which can clog pores and irritate the scalp, which could cause breakouts of ingrown hairs around the transplanted areas after surgery.
A hair transplant can be effective for people with traction alopecia or pattern baldness.

Hair transplants may be a good option for people who suffer from traction alopecia or pattern baldness. Surgery is often better than wearing wigs or hairpieces; it’s more permanent, too: once you get a transplant, your new hair will grow as long as they are cared for properly.

Traction alopecia is caused by pulling on the hair too hard, such as in tight ponytails or braids. It can cause bald spots to form—but with a traction alopecia hair transplant you can get that natural look back and feel confident again!

Anagen Hair Transplant Washington DC offers the latest techniques and technology to restore your natural look with the most effective hair transplant procedure. Our surgeons are highly experienced in hair restoration surgery and perform these procedures daily.


In conclusion, hair transplants are effective for people with traction alopecia or pattern baldness. Hair transplants are not only a highly effective treatment option, but they also have long-lasting results. This procedure is worth considering if you want to improve your hairline’s appearance without resorting to expensive cosmetic treatments like injections or laser surgery.

For more information about our hair restoration procedures or to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors, please visit or call (301) 591-6552.


How long Does A NeoGraft hair transplant last?

How long Does A Neograft hair transplant last?


A hair transplant is one of the most effective ways to achieve natural-looking results. However, you should know that transplanted hair will grow like your own—that means if you have a healthy head, re-growing your hair won’t be an issue. NeoGraft, a new and advanced hair transplant procedure, yields natural-looking results with minimal pain and discomfort—making it an ideal choice for patients who are losing their hair. But how long does a Neograft hair transplant last? This article discusses factors that affect NeoGraft’s lifespan and ways to keep your results lasting. Read on to know more.

What is Neograft?

NeoGraft is a hair restoration procedure that uses your hair follicles to grow new hair. It is a type of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) that removes individual grafts from the donor area without affecting surrounding tissue or requiring sutures. There are a few limitations to the procedure, though it is a good choice for many patients:

  • Recovery takes longer than other methods
  • The results will be noticeable after six months and are a permanent solution.
How does NeoGraft hair restoration work?

The process of NeoGraft hair restoration involves removing hair follicles from the donor area at the back of the head using a handheld device called ‘Neograft’. During the procedure, a surgeon treats balding areas with follicles transplanted. There is little downtime in this minimally invasive procedure, and you are awake under local anesthesia. During the process, you may also talk to your doctor if needed.

Pros and cons of NeoGraft hair transplant

Neograft hair transplant involves the implantation of hair follicles into the scalp in a minimally invasive way. This painless and quick treatment makes it ideal for people without surgery. Due to its ability to provide permanent results with little downtime, it is becoming increasingly popular.

Neograft offers numerous benefits, including:

  • The ability to restore hair in entirely bald areas.
  • No need for stitches or sutures, which can cause scarring.
  • A minimally invasive procedure that typically takes less than an hour.
  • No need for general anesthesia or any sedatives.
  • Side effects are minimal, quick recovery time, and no downtime.
  • Minimal postoperative pain and no excessive scarring.

Although NeoGraft has many advantages, it does have some drawbacks:

  • Some patients may experience small scars from the removal of hair follicles, possible cysts and infections in the skin surrounding transplanted hairs, and numbness.
  • The procedure can also be expensive, depending on the number of grafts needed and where you live.
  • People with genetic predispositions may experience more problems after their first procedure.

Neograft hair restoration is a safe and effective procedure. Still, it’s important to work with a qualified medical professional who can provide the information you need to make an informed decision.

How long will it take for my hair to grow back after a Neograft hair transplant?

The hair will grow back in 6-12 months. The average is about ten months, but it can vary depending on the patient. It grows at a rate of 1/2 inch per month. So if your hair was 5 inches long before surgery, it might be 3 1/2 inches long after three months and 5 inches again after six months. As a result, your scalp won’t resemble a patchwork quilt after treatment – you’ll have consistent thickness if you had thin hair on top and sides before treatment.

How long Does A Neograft hair transplant last?

A Neograft hair transplant is a low-risk surgery that yields permanent results after only six to nine months. If you take good care of your hair transplant and follow the instructions given by your doctor, your new hair is likely to last for many years.

If you take care of the transplanted hair properly, it will continue to grow like your natural hair.

Factors affecting the lifespan of a Neograft hair transplant

You can expect your NeoGraft hair transplant to last for a long time if you take all medications prescribed by your doctor and follow any other guidelines he may provide. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about anything. NeoGraft hair transplant lifespan can be affected by the following factors:

1) The quality of post-surgery care.

2) Your lifestyle choices (smoking and drinking heavily).

3) How well you treat the hair after it has been transplanted, such as by not brushing it too aggressively.

4) The quality of the donor area and how well it heals after surgery.

5) If the hair implanted in your balding areas is unhealthy, it will not last.

6) How you take care of yourself after surgery (eating well, getting enough sleep, and being active) is important. So is how much stress exists in your life.

What can I do if my Neografts Hair Transplants are falling out prematurely?

In some patients who undergo Neograft hair restoration, hair may shed, but do not worry. It is the body’s natural response and a sign of healing and regrowth. The shedding is usually temporary and will stop within a few months. There are a few things you can do:

  1. Make sure that you are taking good care of the transplanted area and following all instructions given to you by your doctor.
  2. Contact your doctor immediately if there is any sign of infection (redness, swelling, or pain).
  3. If you notice any scarring around the grafts (which can happen), talk to your doctor about ways to minimize scarring.
How can you keep your NeoGraft results lasting?

The best way to maintain the results of a NeoGraft hair transplant is to continue using your doctor’s recommended products. You should also follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking. NeoGraft hair restoration results are permanent, but you will still need to take good care of your new hair.

  1. Shampoo your scalp with a mild shampoo at least once a day and condition it every other day. Avoid using hot water on your head when showering or bathing since this can dry out the skin and cause itching. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances that might irritate the sensitive skin around the transplanted area.
  2. The most important thing you can do to care for your new hair is to protect it from the sun. The UV rays in sunlight can damage new hair and cause it to fall out. Wear a hat when outdoors during the day.
  3. You should avoid using hot irons or curling wands on the new grafts for six months after surgery and wash your hair daily as usual. Always keep the anti-bacterial shampoo on hand in case of infection.
  4. After surgery, you should refrain from swimming and using hot tubs or saunas for at least six months.
  5. If you experience hair loss after surgery, talk to your doctor. Your doctor can determine if the hair loss is related to the procedure or another issue that needs attention. He may prescribe medication to help prevent further hair loss and encourage regrowth. If you follow these instructions, your new hair will be in great shape and look amazing. You’ll also enjoy the benefits of a full head of hair again.

NeoGraft is a permanent treatment for baldness that has been shown to produce excellent results. By following the doctor’s instructions and taking good care of the hair transplant, patients can ensure its longevity. It depends on many factors, including age and skin tone. By refraining from smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and eating foods that promote tissue development/repair, you can prolong the lifespan of your hair grafts by several years. Do your research before choosing a surgeon to ensure no problems during—or after—the procedure.

Anagen Hair Restoration is a leading hair-transplant clinic with offices in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. It uses the most advanced techniques and has helped thousands of people achieve their desired results.

For more information about our hair restoration procedures or to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors, please visit or call (301) 591-6552.


What is the average cost of a FUE hair transplant?


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant, also known as “nuking the bald spot” or “harvesting the grafts,” is an advanced hair restoration technique. It involves extracting hair follicles from the back and sides of your head and then implanting them into bald areas. While the cost of an FUE hair transplant varies from patient to patient, several factors can influence how much it will be for you—such as where you live and the type and extent of hair loss. This article will help you understand how much an FUE hair transplant costs so you can make an informed decision about your procedure.

What is FUE?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a hair restoration procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into bald spots. It is the most advanced form of hair transplantation available today, and its popularity has grown significantly over the last few years. FUE hair transplants are minimally invasive procedures performed under local anesthesia, eliminating the need for stitches and allowing patients to return to their daily activities quickly.

Factors that affect FUE hair transplant cost

Hair transplants performed using follicular unit extraction (FUE) remove each hair follicle from your skin and transplant it to an area that lacks hair. The costs associated with an FUE hair transplant will vary depending on the procedure and its complexity. The number of grafts, the length of the treatment, and the surgeon’s experience will all affect the cost of an FUE hair transplant. Here are some important facts to consider:

  1. You will need more grafts if you have had significant hair loss. The doctor determines this by examining your scalp and determining where you have lost hair. 
  2. Your surgeon’s time is also a determining factor in how much the procedure costs. As they have to charge for their time, the longer the procedure takes will increase the overall cost.
  3. FUE procedures are typically more expensive per graft than the traditional strip method because they take a physician longer to perform than excising a strip from the donor skin. Since there is no downtime and no scarring, patients are more likely to benefit from not having a strip of scalp surgically removed from the back of the head.
  4. FUE performed using automated instruments lowers the cost per graft compared to manual FUE. Further, it reduces the expenses associated with technicians who assist doctors during the procedure. Pricing varies based on how much hair is needed. Patients benefit from these savings.
  5. Another factor that impacts how much you’ll pay is your surgeon’s experience with FUE procedures. Highly skilled surgeons typically charge more than inexperienced ones because of their accuracy in extracting grafts, skill level during surgeries, and ability to communicate clearly with patients.
  6. FUE hair transplant cost also depends on the cost of living in your city and the availability of FUE doctors. Washington or Virginia, for example, have a higher cost of living than other states so the price will be higher there. If you live in a rural area where fewer doctors perform this procedure, it will take longer (and cost more) to find one that can help.
The number of hair grafts needed for FUE hair transplant depends on the following:
  • Hair loss severity: For a small bald patch, transplanting only a few hair follicles may be sufficient; for larger bald patches, transplanting more hair follicles may be necessary.
  • Hair texture: Patients with fine hair often require more grafts to cover the same area than those with coarse hair.
  • Hair density: If you have a lot of hair, you can use fewer FUE grafts to cover the area.
  • The amount of hair you want to grow back: If you want to grow back a full head of hair, more grafts will be needed than if you want to fill in a small bald patch.
  • The location, size, and shape of your donor site: The size and shape of your donor site will determine how many grafts you need. If the donor site is small, you’ll need more grafts than if it’s large. If it’s round or oval and located at the top (the crown), you may need more grafts than if it’s square or rectangular and situated at the back.
  • Age: As we age, our hair follicle density decreases, and fewer hairs grow out of each strand, so more grafts may be necessary to achieve the same results as someone younger.

Depending on the factors above, the number of grafts needed for a hair transplant can range from 2,000 to 10,000. The surgeon will assess your hair loss pattern and estimate the necessary coverage. The quantity and quality of hair in the donor areas also influence the procedure’s cost.

What does FUE Hair Transplant cost include?

To estimate the cost of an FUE hair transplant, you need to know what it includes. During your initial consultation, the surgeon will present a treatment plan that estimates how many grafts are necessary to achieve optimal results.

Along with a price per graft, you should expect an estimate that includes:

  1. The consultation fee 
  2. The surgeon’s fee
  3. The cost of the surgical facility
  4. Drug charges for medications used in the procedure
  5. Anesthesia fees
  6. Surgical supplies
  7. Post-operative care, including prescriptions for pain and antibiotics
What results can you expect from an FUE hair transplant?

Having an FUE hair transplant can change your life for the better. You will be able to get a head of hair that blends seamlessly with your existing hair since the procedure is more natural looking than strip harvesting. In the case of hair transplants, FUE is often the most effective option. It is a minimally invasive procedure that can treat both male and female pattern baldness. When performed by a skilled surgeon, FUE procedures can result in natural-looking, permanent hair growth in areas of the scalp that are difficult to reach with traditional methods.

Benefits of FUE hair transplant Maryland:
  • Less Pain, More Gain
  • Fuller, Thicker Hair
  • Boosted Confidence
  • Little (Or No!) Scarring
  • In Office Procedure
  • Faster Recovery
FUE Hair Transplant Cost VS Hair Transplant Results

The cost of an FUE hair transplant is usually higher than some other cosmetic procedures. The average cost of the treatment ranges between $6k-12K per case. There may be additional costs associated with medications or injections. However, the results are often worth the investment. FUE can provide longer-lasting results than strip harvesting because it doesn’t damage your natural hair follicles.

You may keep an eye on prices, but do not compromise your health to save money. Find an FUE hair transplant near me that offers quality work at an affordable rate; it will save you financially and emotionally in the long run.

Free, no-obligation consultations are available in  FUE hair transplant Maryland, DC, or Virginia for those with questions about Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).


When considering an FUE hair transplant, research and find a reputable clinic. It can prevent you from losing your hair and give you the confidence to look gorgeous again. Find an FUE hair transplant clinic near you and check for positive reviews from previous patients. Before choosing, talk to doctors about their qualifications and experience.

Anagen Hair Restoration offers hair transplant financing for qualified individuals. You can spread the cost of your hair restoration treatment over a period of time by making low monthly payments. You can have gorgeous, healthy hair again for just a small monthly investment.

If you are considering hair restoration and want to know more about the costs and procedures involved, contact us at our Washington, DC, Maryland, or Virginia offices. Call (301) 591-6552.


5 Reasons Why Fall Is The Best Time For Eyebrow and Beard Transplants


Whether you’re a transplant patient looking for the best time of year to undergo your procedure, or someone who just wants to be more informed about the benefits of hair restoration treatments, we’re here to tell you that you’ve come to the right place. Fall is the best time for an eyebrow and beard transplant in Washington DC and Maryland. In fact, there are many reasons why this is true! Read on to learn more about how timing affects outcomes and what makes fall such an ideal season for these procedures.

It’s The Off Season For Hair Transplant

If you’re considering a hair restoration treatment, you may be wondering when the best time of year is to undergo the procedure. It turns out that fall is actually the ideal time for this type of treatment.

The first reason why fall is great for hair restoration treatments is that it’s the off-season for transplanting hair from one area of your head to another. This means that there are fewer patients on waiting lists and fewer demands on your surgeon’s time during this period.

Another reason fall is a good time for a transplant is that many people shed their hair around this time (including those with alopecia). Therefore, you should consider transplanting more follicles at this point if excessive shedding has resulted in fewer transplanted follicles than you had previously available; likewise, if excessive shedding has resulted in fewer transplanted follicles, now would be the best time.

The Healing Process Is Easier During Cooler Months

You might be wondering why this is true, given that the sun and wind are often higher in the summer months. The answer lies in sweat, which can cause your skin to dry out and crack when it’s hot outside. It also makes you more vulnerable to sunburns, exacerbating scarring after an injury. However, cooler weather means less sweat and humidity—and these conditions benefit your healing process by keeping your face hydrated so that it doesn’t crack open like an overripe tomato during the fall or winter months.

You’ll Be Fully Recovered Before The Holidays

Whether you’re attending a wedding, a family reunion, or simply looking forward to spending time with your friends and family after surgery, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy yourself without worrying about the stress of healing.

Being fully recovered before the holidays will mean that for once—or perhaps for the first time ever—you’ll be able to relax and celebrate without fretting about whether or not your new hair is going to fall out in clumps during any given moment.

Find the best hair restoration clinic near you: Eyebrow Transplant Maryland, Beard transplant Washington DC

Better Results With Minimal Sun Exposure

When it comes to the hair on your face, it’s important to remember that sun exposure is an issue. Your scalp can be susceptible to change and thinning over time, meaning that you may have less hair than you did when you were younger. This can be especially true if you’ve spent many years in the sun without using a hat or sunscreen—even if your face is covered by beard or eyebrow growth.

Fortunately, there are treatments available that will help restore your natural facial hair density and give you back some of what was lost due to aging and environmental factors. But these treatments won’t work as well if the skin under those hairs isn’t protected from excess UV radiation. So even though fall means shorter days, warmer temperatures, and fewer hours spent outside (all things working against melanin production), make sure that whatever treatment protocol you choose includes a recommendation for some kind of daily sun protection on top of any topical treatment options.

High-Quality, Natural Donor Hair Available At This Time Of Year

If you choose to undergo an eyebrow and/or beard restoration procedure, there are several reasons why the fall is such a great time. The main reason is that high-quality donor hair is available at this time of year. This means your donor hair will be thick and healthy, which makes it easier for surgeons to harvest and transplant into your scalp or face.

Another reason fall is the perfect time for these procedures is that more natural donor hair is available at this time compared to spring or summer (when many people shave their heads). In some cases, harvesting hair from someone who shaves their head can produce less-than-ideal results, resulting in sparse patches rather than full coverage, so it is important to ensure that you have access to high-quality donor tissue as part of your treatment planning.

Finally, since treatment costs go down after September due to lower demand, you could save money while also receiving better service!

Transplants of eyebrows and beards are most effective in the fall

Fall is the best time for eyebrow and beard transplant in Washington DC and Maryland. Why? The cooler months are easier on your body, allowing you to heal quickly and fully recover before the holidays. This way, you’ll have a little extra time to get through the winter with your new eyebrows or beard looking great!

Additionally, there’s something else that makes fall a great time for getting a new look: high-quality donor hair is available at this time of year. Don’t be fooled by other companies who offer less-than-ideal donor hair just because they’re trying to make more money off of you—we’re committed to offering only the highest quality products so that our clients feel confident about their new look.

At Anagen Hair Restoration clinics in DC and Maryland, you can speak to an expert about hair restoration treatments. With Eyebrow Transplant Maryland, both men and women can improve their overall appearance and complement their natural facial proportions, while Beard transplant Washington DC can address bald patches and uneven stubble in men.


You’ll have plenty of time to heal before the holidays, and your beard and eyebrows will look more natural when you restore them in the fall.

Are you ready to schedule your online consultation or do you have a question? Give us a call at (301) 591-6552 or, if you prefer, schedule your no-obligation, FREE online consultation by clicking here.


Are FUE hair transplants worth it? Here are 5 Things To Know Before Undergoing Surgery


Are FUE hair transplants worth it? It’s a question that many people wonder about — not just before undergoing the procedure, but after, as well. I’ll be discussing five things you must know before undergoing FUE hair transplants and what to expect on the day of your appointment. This article will help you decide if FUE hair transplants are right for you and what to expect from this effective procedure.

Who can get a FUE hair transplant?

In order to address the question you first need to know that the procedure isn’t for everyone. This is especially true if you’re looking for a more permanent solution and want your hair transplant to last as long as possible.

FUE is most commonly used on people who have balding areas, but still have some amount of hair on their head. If you’ve lost all of your hair due to alopecia or other conditions, then FUE would likely not be a good choice for your situation since there would be no way for doctors to find enough donor hairs from other parts of your body (and even if they could, it may not look natural).

How long does an FUE hair transplant take?

In general, the duration of an FUE hair transplant depends on the number of grafts being transplanted. For example, a patient who is undergoing a small procedure (1-2 hours) will require less than a patient undergoing a more extensive procedure (4-8 hours).

Another factor that affects how long an FUE transplant will take is your surgeon’s technique and experience. A skilled surgeon will be able to complete his or her work in under 2 hours, while an inexperienced one may take longer than expected.

Looking for a specialist who can perform FUE hair transplants near me? Visit FUE hair transplant Maryland for expert advice and assistance.

Does an FUE hair transplant hurt?

An FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure and therefore, most of the patients do not experience any pain during the process. However, if you are worried that you may experience some discomfort during the procedure, there are certain medications that can be taken prior to the surgery. This will help reduce any unwanted pain during and after the procedure.

What is recovery like after an FUE hair transplant?

You will not be able to wash your hair for a week, as this can cause the donor sites to bleed. You should also avoid exercising, swimming, and getting your hair wet for at least seven days. Depending on how much of your scalp is transplanted (you may have had some covered with a mesh cap), it is typical that you wear a hat (or bandana) until the day after surgery so as not to mess up any newly transplanted hairs.

The most common side effects include mild bruising and swelling at the donor area; however, these are usually only present for one day after surgery and are easily managed with ice packs or cold compresses.

It’s important to take care of yourself following an FUE procedure by resting regularly throughout the recovery period (which can last up to two weeks). In addition, try not to do any strenuous exercise or heavy lifting during this time frame – doing so could increase the risk of damaging newly transplanted follicles.

Hair Transplants Can Be Life-Changing—Are FUE hair transplants worth it

If you have been experiencing hair loss, FUE might be the right choice for you. FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed in an outpatient setting. It’s also highly effective in treating hair loss, which means you could regain more natural-looking results than with other procedures like strip harvesting. There’s no scarring left behind after the surgery due to the small incisions made at the donor area, and there are no stitches required either.

Compared to traditional FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) procedures, FUE transplants can be just as successful. Robotic FUE has an exceptionally high success rate of 100%, depending on the doctor’s skill level and experience—which determines whether a patient will have noticeable hair loss after surgery or not.

FUE hair transplant near me: how to choose the right doctor?

The quality of your FUE hair transplant depends on the surgeon who performs it. Let’s take a look at some characteristics of a good doctor who performs FUE hair transplants near me.

  • The surgeon must be board-certified. This means that they have undergone extensive training and passed rigorous tests. Therefore, board-certified surgeons can give safe, effective care to their patients.
  • It’s important to choose a doctor with experience! Find out if a doctor has performed 100 or more FUE transplants, and if not, how many hours/days they trained before performing one themselves. You can also read online reviews about their experiences. The outcome will tell you what you can expect. 

Anagen Hair Restoration offers expert and experienced consultations for FUE procedures at  FUE hair transplant Maryland. If you are considering hair transplantation, our consultation is the first step. Our expert hair restoration experts will discuss your options with you and offer an unbiased opinion on which procedure is right for you. We have extensive experience in performing both follicular unit extraction (FUE) and strip surgery-based procedures since 2005.

Anagen Hair Restoration is the leading provider of hair restoration services in the Washington DC metro area, including Maryland and Virginia. We offer affordable prices and high-quality results through our network of experienced surgeons who perform their procedures at highly accredited local clinics.


FUE hair transplants are a great way to get more hair, and the procedure is relatively low-risk. However, you should always be sure that your doctor is experienced and certified in performing FUE procedures. Anagen Hair Restoration offers expert consultations with our highly trained experts who will help guide you through all the steps involved in getting your new look.  

To learn more about your options for healthy hair, please speak with one of our experts at our Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia clinics now! Call (301) 591-6552.


Restore your Hair Non-Surgically with PRP Washington DC


“Another brush stroke, another handful of strands, and another visible patch where hair should be.” This scenario probably sounds familiar to those dealing with female/ male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia (thinning hair). Balding can be brutal, especially concerning self-confidence and social interactions. According to one study, 29% of women with hair thinning problems experience depression symptoms. Men can experience an “enormous emotional burden” as a result of hair loss, according to another report. PRP Washington DCA new, natural treatment can offer more patients a long-term solution to hair loss without requiring surgery or medication. PRP treatment uses blood platelets to heal the body, reverse hair loss, and create new hair.

We will discuss how you can benefit from PRP and the factors to consider before undergoing the procedure.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment made from human blood. PRP uses platelets in the patient’s blood plasma to promote the healing and growth of healthy tissue, such as hair follicles.

Anagen Hair Restoration offers this treatment in  PRP Washington DC and PRP Maryland. It involves taking a small blood sample and spinning it to separate the platelets (specialized cells that help clot blood). The platelet-rich plasma injected into the scalp encourages new growth, stimulates hair follicles, and speeds up the regrowth of thinning hair.

How Does PRP Work?

PRP is a natural protein that occurs in the body. It has been used for years to treat non-healing wounds, varicose veins, and burns. In this case, it’s injected into your scalp to help stimulate hair growth.

It’s an outpatient procedure that takes a little more than an hour to complete, and you’ll be able to go home 48 hours later. 

PRP is injectable and causes no damage to surrounding tissue like traditional hair transplants (invasive). It’s considered safer than other options like FUE surgery or strip procedures, where grafts must be removed from elsewhere on your head before they take hold there.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment requires no incisions or stitches. A hair restoration specialist does this procedure under local anaesthesia in a clinic.

The doctor will place tiny needles into your scalp to extract blood from the area where you want new hair growth to occur. The blood is then injected into your head through these same needles to stimulate new growth on top of existing hair follicles (which help keep your scalp healthy).

The process generally takes 1-2 hours, depending on how thick or thin your hair is and how long the doctor’s assistant takes to work behind them.

Click here if you are looking for a non surgical hair replacement in Virginia. 

Who Can Benefit From PRP?

Using PRP can be helpful if you have thinning hair (alopecia) or want to increase the thickness of your hair.

Additionally, it might make gray hairs appear less noticeable and thicker.

What to Expect During Treatment
  • You will notice changes in your hair within the first three months after treatment.
  • After PRP treatment, you will significantly improve the thickness and density of your existing hair follicles. You may see more natural growth happening at an accelerated rate than without PRP therapy. PRP treatment is that it does not cause damage to the hair follicles. You will not lose any existing hair during treatment.
  • Your scalp will feel much smoother and less itchy after PRP treatment because fewer bacteria are present due to removing dead skin cells (which can cause inflammation).
After The Procedure

After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and redness. The area will be tender for 24 hours, but this is normal and should subside within a few days. You may also experience bruising after your treatment; this will fade away as time goes on.

Aftercare: Taking anti-inflammatory medication if needed is important to take care of yourself after a hair transplant procedure. 

You should follow these simple self-care tips:

  1. Don’t sleep directly on top of your head.
  2. Avoid hot showers/tub baths for at least two weeks after surgery (to avoid scalding)
  3. Avoid direct sunlight for at least three weeks after surgery because UV light can cause damage over time if it gets too close to where skin folds meet scalp follicles.
Risks And Complications of PRP for Hair Growth

PRP is a safe procedure. The risk of complications from PRP for hair restoration is very low, and it’s not possible to get an infection from this treatment as long as you don’t have any pre-existing conditions that may make you more susceptible to infections (such as diabetes).

PRP is also a practical option for people, not candidates for hair transplant surgery, due to their age or medical history. Suppose you do have a condition that makes you ineligible for surgery. In that case, PRP may still be worth considering because it’s minimally invasive and offers similar results in most cases—and unlike surgeries like FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), there are no incisions made during the process!

Is PRP therapy suitable for me?

Every person’s treatment should be different, and PRP may be the right option for you.  

Our expert team at Anagen Hair Restoration clinic will assess all your hair loss concerns and help you determine the best way to resolve them.

Schedule your consultation with us or give us a call today at (301) 591-6552 for PRP – non-surgical hair replacement in Virginia, PRP Maryland, and PRP Washington DC.

Visit this link for more details on this effective hair replacement therapy.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical treatment that stimulates healthy hair growth in people with alopecia areata and other forms of baldness. But before you try this treatment—which usually involves injections—make sure you talk to your doctor about whether it’s right for you.


Platelet-rich plasma Maryland -The newest craze for Women’s hair loss


You’re not alone if you’re a woman struggling with hair loss. Millions of women deal with hair loss every year, and makeup 40 percent of hair loss sufferers. There are many reasons women lose their hair, from genetics to medical conditions to the side effects of certain medications. Whatever the cause, hair loss can be a devastating and emotionally charged issue for women. Fortunately, several options are available for women wanting to restore their hair. A new procedure, PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma Maryland), has proven to be effective in treating women’s hair loss.

This blog post will discuss how PRP therapy can help treat female hair loss. We will also explore the benefits of PRP treatment and how it can help improve your quality of life.

What is PRP, and how does it work?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a new treatment option for women experiencing hair loss. PRP is derived from the patient’s blood and contains a high concentration of platelets essential for wound healing. When injected into the scalp, PRP stimulates hair growth by promoting the regeneration of damaged hair follicles. PRP therapy is still in the early stages of research, but preliminary studies have shown promising results for treating hair loss.

A study published in the International Journal of Trichology found that PRP therapy effectively treated female pattern hair loss. And a study published in the journal Dermatologic Surgery found that PRP therapy can increase hair density in women with thinning hair. 

PRP is an effective treatment for hair loss in both men and women. In one study, 100% of female patients who received PRP therapy improved their hair loss. And in another study of 44 women with diffuse hair loss, PRP was found to be more effective than minoxidil (Rogaine), a common hair loss medication.

PRP therapy may be worth considering if you’re a woman struggling with thinning hair. It’s safe and effective and can be done in the comfort of your home or at a specialized clinic near you. 

Benefits of PRP treatment

PRP treatment has many benefits, which is why it’s becoming the newest craze for women’s hair loss. PRP treatment can help to:

  • Stimulate hair growth
  • Improve the quality of your existing hair
  • Make your hair thicker and fuller
  • Slow down the progression of hair loss
  • Improve the appearance of thinning hair
  • Rebound hair growth
  • No anesthesia required

PRP treatment is a safe and effective way to treat hair loss, and it’s becoming increasingly popular because of its many benefits. If you’re considering PRP treatment for your hair loss, be sure to consult with a qualified physician to see if it’s right for you.

Want to book a consultation for Hair loss or Androgenic Alopecia? Get the best PRP treatment in these locations:  Platelet-rich plasma Maryland and PRP Washington DC. 

How can women with thinning hair benefit from PRP?

As more and more women suffer from hair loss, they are looking for innovative ways to combat it. PRP is a new trend in hair growth treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma created from the patient’s blood.

PRP therapy has been used for years to treat other medical conditions, such as joint pain and tendon injuries. Recently, however, doctors have begun using PRP to treat hair loss in women. Studies have shown that PRP can be an effective treatment for both genetic and hormonal hair loss.  

PRP therapy works by injecting the patient’s blood into the scalp. The blood contains platelets, which are cells that help with tissue regeneration. When injected into the scalp, the platelets release growth factors that stimulate hair follicles to grow.

PRP therapy is still relatively new, so more research is needed to determine its long-term effectiveness. However, early studies have shown promising results for women with thinning hair. If you are considering PRP therapy for your hair loss, be sure to consult with a specialized doctor for this treatment.

What are the risks involved?

There are minimal risks associated with PRP therapy. PRP is a safe treatment and does not involve any injections or scalpels. The patient’s blood is drawn, spun down, and injected into the scalp to stimulate new growth. Unlike traditional hair loss treatments, PRP therapy does not require anesthesia because it involves no surgery or injection of medications into the body.

How fast do you see PRP results?

It usually takes three months for the first treatment session to show results. PRP therapy can be done at a specialized clinic near you and involves minimal risks.

PRP therapy may be worth considering if you’re looking for a new option to treat your hair loss. Contact a qualified provider in your area to learn more about this treatment.


PRP therapy is the answer if you’re a woman who has been struggling to grow their hair back. This treatment can be done in only 30 minutes and will give you results within three months. The best part about it? There are minimal risks associated with this procedure—and it works!

Anagen Hair Restoration, one of the finest PRP clinics in the world, offers PRP therapy to treat hair loss. The treatment provides a safe and effective alternative to surgical hair restoration for female baldness caused due to medical conditions, medications, and physical or emotional stress. Platelet-Rich Plasma Maryland, PRP Washington DC, and PRP Virginia are excellent options if you want to grow your hair back. 

We understand how stressful it can be when battling hair loss, mainly if it affects your self-esteem. We want to help you find peace of mind in knowing you’re doing everything possible to get your crowning glory back! 

If you’ve been diagnosed with female pattern hair loss and want to know more about our PRP Maryland or PRP DC treatments, our team of experts at Anagen will be pleased to explain the process in further detail and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today at (301) 591-6552 to schedule an appointment. 


The Best Hair Restoration Procedures for Male Hair Loss


Losing your hair is upsetting, and you may want to do whatever it takes to restore a full head of hair. To find the best male hair loss treatment, you first need to understand why your hair is falling out. Hair loss for men can be caused by different factors. The most common form of male-pattern baldness is called androgenetic alopecia. This condition affects approximately 50 million men in the United States, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

How male-pattern baldness develops

Male-pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss, affecting about half of men by 50 years of age. It can also affect women and children. Hair loss is caused when cells that make up your hair follicles (the tiny structures in your skin that grow hair) are converted into other cell types as you get older.

In male-pattern baldness, in particular, this process begins with a sensitive area on the scalp called the frontal balding pattern (FPP). The cells from this area move downward toward your neck and create a horseshoe shape around it; eventually they will reach the back of your head, creating a complete ring around it. Men who develop this condition will experience more noticeable thinning at their temples and along their crowns than people without male pattern baldness do because these areas are more sensitive to hormones than others on our scalps—androgens like testosterone cause increased growth in these regions during puberty so we all have some sensitivity there early on in life but males have more than females do later on due to differences between their genes.

What is the most common solution to consider when it comes to male hair loss?

You have a number of options when it comes to male hair loss. Listed below are the most sought-after solutions and the most popular procedures for hair restoration.

Surgical Hair Restoration

If you’re looking for a permanent solution, surgical hair restoration may be what you’re after. This type of treatment is usually performed by an experienced doctor in an operating room under general anesthesia, so it’s not something that can be done at home or on your lunch break at work. The procedure involves removing unwanted hair follicles from areas with plenty of growth, such as the back or chest, and then planting them into balding areas using micrografting techniques which Anagen Hair Restoration is experienced and known for.

Laser Assisted Methods

There are also laser-assisted methods that use lasers to stimulate existing hair follicles, as well as transplanted ones, which helps ensure that they’ll grow properly without being rejected by your body’s immune system.


Asked about their hair loss, many men will shrug and say “I’m fine with it.” But when you look at some of the most iconic male celebrities, from Brad Pitt to George Clooney and even Ryan Reynolds, it’s clear that they’re all very aware of their male pattern baldness.

And while there are a number of treatments for male hair loss available—from hormone replacement therapy to laser treatments—there’s one tried-and-true method that is extremely effective: minoxidil. Minoxidil is an FDA-approved topical medication (the brand name is Rogaine) that helps stimulate blood circulation in the scalp by dilating blood vessels so more nutrients can reach your follicles and help them grow new hair. These treatments are so effective they’re often used to treat both men and women who suffer from male pattern baldness or female hair loss.

Hair transplant surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another. It is considered permanent, as it involves the transplantation of healthy hair follicles from an area with sufficient density of hair to an area with sparse or balding coverage. This procedure has been shown to be successful in treating both male and female pattern baldness, as well as alopecia areata (AA), which is an autoimmune disease that causes patchy or complete loss of scalp and body hair across some areas.

Hair transplant surgery can be performed either over several sessions or all at once, depending on how much time you have available and what your needs are. In each session, a small strip of skin containing thousands of grafts—the transplanted hairs—is removed from an area where there is thick growth (the donor site) and transplanted onto a bald spot on your head (the recipient site). The donor site takes about two weeks to heal before undergoing another round of surgeries; this process continues until all areas needing supplementation have been covered by healthy tissue.

Hair loss treatment at Anagen Hair Restoration

The team at Anagen Hair Restoration is here to help you find the best solution for your needs. We have a variety of procedures, treatments, and services available to treat hair loss. Our goal is to serve as an unbiased resource where you can get all your questions answered and make an informed decision about how you want to treat your hair loss.


When it comes to hair loss, there are no simple answers. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept what’s happening to your hairline. Even if you don’t have the youthful locks of your childhood, there are ways to stop and even reverse the pattern of male hair loss. We hope this article has given you a good starting point for how to do just that!

If you’d like to learn more about your hair loss or are ready to schedule a no-obligation consultation, give us a call at (301) 591-6552 or click here.