Anagen Hair Restoration

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Understanding the Power of Rosemary Oil for Hair Thickness

Hair loss can significantly affect one’s self-esteem, but thanks to natural remedies like rosemary oil, there’s a ray of hope. This essential oil has gained popularity for its potential to enhance hair thickness and overall scalp health. Let’s delve into how rosemary oil might be your ally in the battle against hair thinning.

Rosemary Oil for Hair Thickness

Rosemary oil is celebrated for its ability to potentially invigorate the scalp and promote hair thickness. Here’s how it works:

– Scalp Nourishment: Rosemary oil is known for its ability to stimulate the scalp, potentially enhancing blood circulation. This increased blood flow might nourish hair follicles, fostering an environment conducive to hair growth.

– DHT Inhibition: Some studies suggest that rosemary oil might help inhibit DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone associated with hair loss, thereby reducing the risk of hair thinning.

– Antioxidant Properties: Rich in antioxidants, rosemary oil might protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals, promoting healthier hair growth.


– Natural Remedy: As a natural ingredient, rosemary oil is a preferred choice for those looking for a holistic approach to hair care.

– Versatile Use: It can be used in various forms – as an oil, in shampoos, or even as a serum, making it a flexible addition to your hair care routine.


– Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals might experience allergic reactions. It’s essential to conduct a patch test before full application.

– Patience Required: Natural remedies like rosemary oil may take time to show results. Consistency and patience are key.

Making the Right Choice

If you’re considering rosemary oil for hair thickness, it’s crucial to understand that results can vary based on individual factors like underlying health conditions or genetics. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist before starting any new treatment.

For those interested in exploring natural hair care solutions, rosemary oil might be worth considering. Its potential benefits, combined with its natural properties, make it an appealing option for many.

To learn more about rosemary oil and its potential benefits for hair thickness, consider consulting reputable sources or professionals in the field. Remember, a well-informed decision is the first step toward healthier, fuller hair.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Addressing Hair Loss in Women: Understanding Your Options

Hair loss in women, often a distressing and isolating experience, is more common than many realize. In fact, a significant number of women will experience noticeable hair thinning or loss at some point. At Anagen Hair Restoration, we understand the profound impact this can have on a woman’s confidence and self-esteem.

Complex Causes of Female Hair Loss

The reasons behind hair loss in women are multifaceted. They often include genetic predispositions, hormonal imbalances, and other factors such as stress, diet, and certain medications. In Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL), androgens (male hormones) can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle and affect the health of hair follicles.

Identifying the Signs

The signs of FPHL typically manifest as thinning on the crown and along the hair part. Recognizing these signs early is key, as the condition tends to progress over time. Seeking the advice of a hair-loss specialist at the earliest can help in slowing or even halting this progression. Early intervention is crucial in maintaining follicle health and stimulating new hair growth. Addressing underlying issues, particularly hormonal imbalances, is also essential in preventing further hair loss.

Tailored Treatment Options

At Anagen Hair Restoration, we offer personalized treatment approaches to combat female hair loss. Our non-surgical options include Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments and mesotherapy, which are effective in various stages of hair thinning. For more advanced cases, we recommend surgical hair transplants using the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. FUE is known for its minimal scarring and involves the individual removal of follicle grafts, ensuring optimal results.

Take Action Against Hair Loss

Hair loss doesn’t have to define your life. Early consultation is crucial for effective treatment. At Anagen Hair Transplants, we provide customized solutions to help you regain not just your hair, but also your confidence. Contact us for a consultation and explore the options suited for your unique situation. Regain your confidence with Anagen Hair Restoration’s expert care.


NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Preparing for Your Hair Restoration Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide

Embarking on a hair restoration journey can be a life-changing decision. Proper preparation is crucial for a successful procedure and optimal results. This guide outlines the essential steps to prepare for your hair restoration procedure.

Understanding the Procedure

Before you embark on the treatment, it’s important to understand the process. This involves knowing what the procedure entails, the techniques used, and what results to expect. This knowledge will help you set realistic expectations and prepare mentally for the journey ahead.

Step-by-Step Preparation

  1. Initial Consultation: Your first step is a consultation with a hair restoration specialist. This is where you discuss your hair loss concerns, desired outcomes, and the best approach for your specific needs.
  2. Medical Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation is necessary. This includes discussing your medical history, any medications you’re taking, and undergoing any recommended tests. This step ensures the procedure is safe and tailored to your health needs.
  3. Pre-Procedure Instructions: Your specialist will provide detailed instructions to prepare for the surgery. This may include guidelines on medication, dietary restrictions, and scalp care.
  4. Arranging Logistics: Plan for the day of the procedure. This includes arranging transportation, as you might not be able to drive immediately post-surgery, and ensuring you have someone to assist you if needed.

Day of the Procedure

On the day of the procedure, ensure you arrive with a clean scalp and in comfortable clothing. Be prepared to spend several hours at the clinic, depending on the extent of your procedure.

Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure, follow all post-operative care instructions provided by our specialists. This includes wound care, medication, and guidelines on when you can return to regular activities. A well led post-op recovery will be very important in determining the results of your treatment.

Choosing Anagen for Your Hair Restoration

At Anagen Hair Restoration, we understand the importance of a well-prepared hair restoration journey. Our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through each step, ensuring your experience is comfortable and your results are rewarding. Contact us at (301) 591-6552 or visit our website at to schedule your consultation. Let us help you regain not just your hair, but your confidence and satisfaction with your appearance.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Navigating Recovery After Hair Restoration

After a hair restoration surgery, understanding the general recovery process is vital. The key is to rest and avoid strenuous activities in the first few days to ensure proper healing. Some discomfort and swelling are normal, and your doctor will guide you on managing these symptoms.

Gentle care of your scalp, including careful washing and protecting surgical wounds if any, is important. It’s normal for the transplanted hair to shed before new growth begins, usually within a few months. Healthy lifestyle choices like a balanced diet and avoiding direct sunlight on the scalp are beneficial for recovery.

Patience is essential as the full results of the procedure can take up to a year to become visible. Regular follow-ups with your doctor are crucial to monitor the progress and healing.

Choose Anagen Hair Restoration for Your Procedure

For those considering hair restoration, Anagen Hair Restoration offers expert care and support throughout the recovery process. Our team of specialists ensures you receive personalized guidance for a smooth recovery and successful results. 

We serve clients across Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and New Jersey. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Anagen Hair Restoration at (301) 591-6552 or visit our website at Let us help you regain not just your hair, but also your confidence and quality of life.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

FUE vs FUT: Your Path to Hair Restoration

Understanding Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss can be a distressing experience, impacting not just your appearance but also your self-confidence. However, modern advancements in hair restoration techniques offer effective solutions. Among these, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are the most popular methods. Let’s explore these options to help you make an informed decision for your hair restoration journey.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a cutting-edge technique in hair restoration. It involves the following steps:

– Extraction: Individual hair follicles are meticulously extracted one by one from the donor area, usually the back of the scalp.

– Transplantation: These follicles are then implanted into the recipient area, where hair thinning or baldness is evident.



– Minimal scarring: FUE leaves tiny, hardly noticeable scars.

– Reduced recovery time: Patients typically experience quicker healing.

– Ideal for short hairstyles: Due to minimal scarring, FUE is suitable for those preferring shorter haircuts.


– Time-consuming: The process can be lengthier due to individual follicle extraction.

– Cost: FUE might be more expensive compared to FUT.


Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT, commonly known as the strip method, involves the following:

– Extraction: A strip of hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor area.

– Dissection: The strip is then divided into individual follicular units.

– Transplantation: These units are transplanted to the recipient area.


– Higher follicle yield: FUT allows for a larger number of follicles to be transplanted in one session.

– Cost-effective: Generally less expensive than FUE.


– Scarring: Leaves a linear scar in the donor area.

– Recovery: Longer recovery period due to the surgical nature of the procedure.


Making the Right Choice

The decision between FUE and FUT depends on various factors:

– Hair loss extent: FUT is often preferred for extensive hair loss due to higher graft yield.

– Lifestyle and hair preferences: FUE is ideal for those with an active lifestyle or who wear short hair.

– Budget and time: Consider your budget and the time you can allocate for the procedure and recovery.


Consultation with a Specialist

Before deciding, it’s crucial to consult a hair restoration specialist. Anagen Hair Restoration’s team of experts will evaluate your hair loss pattern, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable method. Our commitment to personalized care ensures you receive the best advice tailored to your needs.

We serve clients across Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, and New Jersey. Our network of skilled dermatologists and surgeons guarantees top-notch care and results.

Contact Anagen Hair Restoration at (301) 591-6552 to schedule your consultation. Visit our website at for more insights into hair restoration. Our goal is to help you regain not just your hair, but also your confidence and quality of life.


NeoGraft Hair Transplant

How does stress inflict its toll on hair loss?

Experiencing stress? It goes beyond poor sleep and headaches; it can impact your hair health too. This guide covers why stress causes hair loss, types of stress-related alopecia, regaining hair, and stress management tips.


Why does stress cause hair loss?

Stress triggers cortisol release, disrupting the hair growth cycle. Chronic stress can lead to more hair follicles entering the resting phase, causing increased shedding and thinning over time.

Types of stress-related hair loss:

Telogen Effluvium (TE): Common during intense stress, causing premature hair shedding and thinning.

Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune condition triggered by stress, resulting in patches of hair loss.

Trichotillomania: A hair-pulling disorder linked to stress and anxiety.


How long does stress-related hair loss last?

Duration varies. Once stress is managed, improvement may take weeks to months. Persistent stress-related hair loss may continue in certain conditions like pattern baldness.


How can you solve this?

Identify stressors: Understand and address the sources of stress.

Prioritize self-care: Engage in relaxing activities like meditation or hobbies.

Exercise regularly: Trigger endorphins to reduce stress hormones.

Maintain a healthy diet: Support optimal body and mind functioning.

Practice breathing exercises: Incorporate simple routines for stress relief.

Establish boundaries: Set realistic limits to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Don’t let stress define you; prioritize your well-being for a happier, healthier life.


Get an appointment with our specialists, its never too late to get your hair back.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

Female Pattern hair loss is real

Hair loss can be isolating, especially for women. Surprisingly, over half of US women will face noticeable hair loss or thinning. Honest Hair Restoration in Bradenton and Tampa, led by board-certified physician Martin Maag, MD, empathizes with the impact on women’s confidence.

The exact cause is complex, involving genetic traits, hormonal imbalances, and other factors. Androgens, or male hormones, play a role in FPHL, disrupting the hair cycle and affecting follicle health. Stress, diet, medications, and health conditions can also contribute.

Female Pattern hair loss signs are visible on the crown and part, and early intervention is crucial. This issue progresses over time, so seeking a hair-loss specialist early helps slow or halt it. Early treatment protects follicle health, making it easier to stimulate new hair growth. Addressing underlying issues, like hormonal imbalances, aids in preventing further loss.

We offer a personalized approach. Non-surgical options include PRP treatments or mesotherapy. For advanced thinning, surgical hair transplants using FUE ensure optimal results. FUE involves minimal scarring, with each follicle graft removed individually.

Don’t let hair loss define you. Seek a consultation early at Anagen Hair Transplants for tailored solutions and regain your confidence.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

6 reasons why you should choose FUE this 2024

If you’re part of the 85% of men or 40% of women dealing with hair loss, you know the impact it has on your life, affecting self-esteem, confidence, mood, and social interactions.

Our top choice to restore your hair is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant. This surgical technique is the only permanent hair solution there is in the hair restoration industry. The method used harvests individual hair follicles, which promote a more natural-looking, and fuller hair growth.

Discover the key advantages of FUE:

1 – Scar-Free: Our system minimizes scarring, leaving virtually no visible marks.

2 – Painless: FUE involves minimal pain, with long-acting anesthetics ensuring comfort during the procedure.

3 – Better Results: FUE boasts a 90-95% graft survival rate, resulting in a fuller and thicker head of hair with less trauma to follicles.

4 – Lower Infection Risk: FUE significantly reduces the risk of infection, with less than 1% of patients experiencing any signs.

5 – No General Anesthesia: Our state-of-the-art office enables FUE procedures without general anesthesia, allowing you to return home and even drive yourself.

6 – Speedy Recovery: FUE ensures the fastest recovery, with a return to normal activities in one to two days. Follow post-treatment care instructions for optimal healing and hair growth.

7 – Same Day Procedure:  Start to finish the procedure Can take 6-8 hours depending on graft count. You are in and out ready for a transformative experience. 

Considering a hair transplant? Schedule an appointment with us today, online or over the phone, and explore the benefits of FUE.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

How Long Does a NeoGraft Hair Restoration last?


Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a widespread issue affecting millions worldwide. It can occur due to various reasons such as aging, genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or stress, and it can significantly impact a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Male pattern baldness is one of the most common forms of hair loss that affects many men globally. Fortunately, the market offers numerous hair restoration methods, and among them, NeoGraft hair restoration is a highly popular and effective treatment for hair loss. This blog will delve into the longevity of NeoGraft hair restoration and explore the factors that can impact its lasting results.

NeoGraft Hair Restoration Procedure

NeoGraft hair restoration is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure commonly used to treat baldness. The procedure involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area. The surgeon administers local anesthesia and performs the procedure, allowing the patient to return home on the same day. Unlike traditional hair transplant methods, NeoGraft hair transplant leaves minimal scars, and the recovery period is shorter.

The NeoGraft hair restoration procedure uses the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique to extract hair follicles from the donor area using a specialized device. This device exerts pneumatic pressure to extract and preserve the follicles in a sterile container delicately. Once the surgeon has gathered the necessary number of follicles, they proceed to the recipient area and create small incisions to implant them. The surgeon ensures precise placement of the extracted hair follicles at the ideal angle and depth for optimal growth. (1)

Advantages of NeoGraft Hair Restoration

NeoGraft hair restoration is a cutting-edge procedure that offers several advantages over traditional hair transplant methods. Let’s explore why NeoGraft hair transplant has become the preferred choice for many patients seeking to regain their hairline and confidence.

  1. Minimally invasive: NeoGraft is a minimally invasive procedure without incisions or sutures, resulting in less pain and minimum scarring.
  2. Faster recovery: The recovery period after NeoGraft hair restoration is shorter than traditional hair transplant methods, with most patients returning to normal activities within a week.
  3. Natural-looking results: NeoGraft hair transplant provides natural-looking results, with the transplanted hair blending seamlessly with the existing hair.
  4. Less discomfort: The NeoGraft procedure is less painful than traditional hair transplant methods. Most patients experience minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, making it a more comfortable option.
  5. Minimum scar: Unlike traditional hair transplant methods that can leave a visible linear scar at the back of the head, NeoGraft hair transplant leaves minimum scarring, allowing you to wear your hair in any style you like without worrying about concealing a scar.
  6. More precise hair follicle extraction: NeoGraft uses a highly advanced extraction tool that is more precise and less damaging to hair follicles than traditional methods. This results in a higher yield of healthy follicles more likely to survive and thrive after transplantation.
  7. High success rate: NeoGraft has a high success rate, with most patients experiencing significant hair growth within a few months of the procedure.

Factors Affecting the Longevity of NeoGraft Hair Restoration

When it comes to the longevity of NeoGraft hair restoration, there are several factors to consider. These factors can impact the procedure’s results and how long they last. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key factors that affect the longevity of hair restoration:

  • Genetics: Your genetic makeup plays a crucial role in determining the longevity of hair restoration. If you have a family history of hair loss, you may require additional touch-up treatments to maintain the results.
  • The number of transplanted follicles: The number of transplanted follicles also affects the longevity of hair restoration. If you have a large balding area, you may require more follicles to achieve optimal coverage and ensure the longevity of the results.
  • Quality of the transplanted hair follicles: The quality of the transplanted hair follicles is also a crucial factor in determining the longevity of hair restoration. Your surgeon must ensure the follicles are healthy and robust to maximize their growth potential.
  • Age of the patient: Age is another important factor that can impact the longevity of hair restoration. Younger patients generally have a better hair growth response compared to older patients.
  • Medical conditions and medications: Certain medical conditions and medications can affect hair growth and reduce the longevity of hair restoration. If you have any underlying medical conditions or take medications that affect hair growth, it is important to inform your surgeon before the procedure.

How Long Does NeoGraft Hair Restoration Last?

NeoGraft hair restoration provides a long-lasting solution for hair loss, with patients typically experiencing hair growth within 3-4 months after the procedure and seeing the full results within 6-12 months. However, the longevity of the results depends on several factors, including the patient’s age, genetics, lifestyle, and the quality of the transplanted hair follicles.

NeoGraft hair restoration can have a lifetime of results but the duration may differ based on the individual’s particular situation. Those who adhere to the post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon and sustain a healthy lifestyle can anticipate enduring outcomes.

It is important to note that hair restoration is not a one-time procedure. Patients may require touch-up treatments to maintain the results over time. The need for touch-up treatments will depend on the extent of the patient’s hair loss and their individual circumstances.

NeoGraft hair restoration is a safe and effective way to restore your hairline and regain confidence. By working with a qualified and experienced hair restoration surgeon and taking good care of your transplanted hair, you can enjoy long-lasting results that look and feel natural.

If you are considering a NeoGraft hair transplant, reach out to a reputable hair restoration clinic like Anagen Hair Restoration Maryland to learn more about the procedure and what you can expect in terms of results and longevity.

Maximizing the Longevity of NeoGraft Hair Restoration: Tips and Tricks

Let’s talk about how to get the most out of your NeoGraft hair transplant. Here are some tips and tricks to help you maximize the longevity of your results:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions: Proper post-operative care is essential for ensuring the longevity of your hair restoration. Your surgeon will provide instructions on caring for your hair after the procedure, including when you can resume normal activities and what products you can use.
  2. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact hair growth and reduce the longevity of your hair restoration. If you smoke or drink, try to quit or reduce your consumption as much as possible.
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle can help ensure your hair restoration lasts as long as possible, which includes eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress.  (2)
  4. Use gentle hair care products: Avoid harsh hair care products that can damage your hair and scalp. Use gentle, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, and avoid styling products that contain alcohol or other harsh chemicals.
  5. Protect your hair from the sun: Prolonged sun exposure can damage your hair and scalp and reduce the longevity of your hair restoration. Wear a hat or sunscreen specifically designed for your scalp when you are outside for extended periods.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your NeoGraft hair transplant lasts as long as possible and that you can enjoy a fuller head of hair for years to come.


NeoGraft hair restoration is a popular and effective hair transplant procedure with many benefits. By understanding the factors that affect the longevity of the results and taking proper post-operative care, patients can expect to enjoy natural-looking, long-lasting results. For those seeking hair restoration in Maryland, Anagen Hair Restoration is a trusted provider with a team of skilled doctors and technicians. We understand that every patient’s needs and goals are unique, so we offer a range of personalized hair restoration solutions to achieve the best possible outcome.

Don’t let hair loss take a toll on your confidence. Take the first step towards restoring your hair and self-assurance by scheduling a complimentary consultation with one of our expert doctors. Discover our range of services and how we can help you regain your full head of hair and confidence. To begin your journey, visit our website or dial (301) 591-6552 now.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant

What Hair Restoration Surgery Can & Can’t Do For Your Hair: A blog about hair restoration Maryland and the results


If you’re considering a hair restoration procedure, you should know what results are realistic and which aren’t. While hair restoration surgery offers men and women of all ages an opportunity to regain their youthful appearance and boost their self-confidence, these options are not designed to stop the aging process or prevent future follicle loss. Our team of experts at The Anagen Hair restoration Maryland clinic work with patients to develop a treatment plan suited to their needs — results are natural-looking hair that is complete and healthy. Here are the facts you should know about hair restoration surgery—and why they don’t negate its value for many people.

A Look at Today’s Most Popular Hair Restoration Techniques

There are several types of hair restoration surgery, each with its pros and cons. The best technique for you will depend on your specific needs.

One method is FUE (follicular unit extraction), which removes individual follicles from your head and transplants them into bald areas using manual or semi-automated devices called Neo grafts. NeoGraft Hair Restoration, a surgical technique that combines modern microscopy to magnify follicles with robotics for removal, makes hair transplantation more efficient than ever before. The NeoGraft method allows doctors to perform numerous treatments daily while providing patients with quality results they are proud to show off. This hair restoration technique removes individual follicles from the back of your head rather than large sections, as would be taken away during a traditional strip hair transplant procedure.

Another option is follicular unit transplantation (FUT), in which large sections of the scalp are removed with a scalpel before follicles are extracted micro surgically. The FUT method yields long-lasting results similar to PRP treatment—though it can take longer and cost more than other options. Once separated from surrounding tissue, these grafts are transplanted into bald patches on top or behind ears–or wherever else you want them. The result is a natural-looking hairline that can be shaped and contoured to look the way you want. A similar approach is used in aging men who have begun to lose hair—their hairlines will be redrawn, giving them a more youthful appearance.

We at Anagen Hair Restoration Maryland provide a range of options for people who are concerned about their hair loss. Talk to one of our experts today to find out which option is best for you. For an additional glimpse into the astounding transformations our work can have on people, check out the Hair Restoration Before and After photos of some of our patients. 

Hair Restoration Surgery – What it Can Do

Hair restoration surgery is a good option for anyone who wants to look younger, rejuvenate their appearance, and restore confidence and self-esteem. But it’s important to understand what hair restoration surgery can and can’t do. Here’s what you need to know.

Improve self-confidence and sense of well being

Hair restoration surgery can make you look younger, more vibrant, and more energetic. It’s a great way to improve your self-confidence and sense of well-being.

Healthy, permanent results

Hair restoration surgery is a permanent solution to hair loss. It does not cause any damage to the surrounding skin or scalp and requires no drugs or medication for maintenance. The procedure can treat male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and alopecia (patchy baldness).

If you’re considering hair restoration surgery Maryland residents may want to look into our services at Anagen Hair Restoration Maryland.

Minimal down time

You can be back to work and socializing in a few days. There are no stitches or sutures to remove so you won’t have any downtime from the procedure. And because no incisions or scalpels are used in hair restoration surgery, you’ll likely experience minimal pain after your procedure. You can even go back to work right away.

Customize your hair restoration results to fit your desired look.

When you’re thinking about getting hair restoration surgery, choose a doctor who will listen to your needs and help you understand the results. The best doctors in this field are those who will work with patients on an individual basis to achieve customized results that fit their desired look.

Hair Restoration Surgery – What it Can’t Do

Hair restoration surgery is not a cure for baldness. It can’t regrow hair loss for an extended period and cannot stop the aging process or prevent future loss. Hair restoration surgery is only effective in treating male pattern baldness in its early stages before significant hair loss has occurred. If you have been losing your hair for years, then there’s no way to know how much of it will come back after surgery–and even if most does grow back, it may not be as thick as it once was before you started losing your locks.

If you’re considering getting hair transplant surgery because of these reasons (or any others), make sure to talk with your doctor about whether this is right for you – especially if they haven’t done many procedures before

Hair restoration can’t stop the aging process or prevent future loss.

Hair restoration surgery can’t stop the aging process or prevent future loss. Hair restoration is not a cure for baldness, but it can help you regain your confidence and improve your quality of life by restoring some of the fullness to your head. If you’re considering hair transplantation as an option to treat hair loss, there are several things that you should know before deciding to go under the knife:

  • Hair restoration surgery does not regrow lost hairs from years ago; it only works in the area around each graft site where new hair has been transplanted.
  • Because multiple procedures may be necessary, many patients must pay thousands in additional costs to have their transplant done over several years. Results aren’t guaranteed even then.

Hair restoration surgery cannot regrow hair that has been lost for a long time.

Hair restoration surgery cannot regrow hair that has been lost for an extended period. The best time to consider hair restoration surgery is when you are still in your 20s, as the average age of people who undergo this procedure is in their late 30s.

Hair transplants cannot prevent the progression of genetic hair loss.

Hair transplantation cannot change your genetic code, so it cannot prevent the progression of hair loss that is genetically caused. If you have a family history of balding, consider taking proactive measures to slow down or stop this process. Hair restoration surgery involves placing healthy hair follicles into bald areas around your head and will not prevent further hair loss.

Hair transplant results are not instantaneous.

Hair restoration surgery is a long-term commitment, and results can vary. You should expect to wait between three and six months before seeing any new growth from your transplants. Many factors, including your surgeon’s skill and how much hair you have to work with, can affect the outcome of a procedure.

Transplants are done only with your existing hair.

Hair transplants involve taking hair from one part of your scalp and implanting it in another area. They are not used for people who do not have enough donor hair to transplant. Hair transplants are not effective for people having:

  • widespread thinning and baldness
  • hair loss due to chemotherapy or other medications
  • thick scalp scars from injuries

Things to consider before and after a hair transplant

Hair loss is a common condition that affects most people at some time. Hair loss occurs when you lose more hair than your body can grow back in its normal cycle. If you notice bald patches or thinning hair around your scalp, it may be worth talking to a doctor about. However, before pursuing a hair transplant surgery, you should consider:

 Before Hair Transplant

  • Whether you are an appropriate candidate for the procedure.
  • How much hair loss do you have
  • What type of procedure is right for you
  • What are the pros and cons
  • How much will the procedure cost, and how long it takes to recover
  • Whether the transplanted hair will continue growing or you need to get additional procedures.
  • Whether or not you have enough donor hair available for transplantation determines how many grafts are required to produce an effective result.

After Hair Transplant

  • Take some time off from your daily routine to allow the transplanted hair follicles time to heal. The healing would vary depending on your recovery method and the extent of your procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or strenuous labor for at least two weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid taking hot showers or baths for at least two weeks, as this can cause swelling around the donor area.
  • Avoid washing your hair with harsh shampoos, which can damage the transplanted hair follicles. Use a gentle soap and pat dry instead of rubbing vigorously



  •   What it can do: Hair restoration surgery is an effective treatment for male and female pattern baldness. It can help you regain the confidence and self-esteem that comes with a full head of hair.
  •   What it cannot do: Hair restoration surgery cannot halt aging. It can only help you regain what you have lost. Hair transplant results are not instantaneous; it may take several months to see any new growth from your transplants. Results typically last anywhere between 6 months to 5 years.


Hair restoration surgery can be very effective in keeping you looking youthful and rejuvenating your appearance, but it’s essential to understand its limitations. Remember that Hair restoration surgery is not a miracle cure and won’t make you hairier than before. Still, if done correctly by a qualified professional, it can be one of the most effective—and safest—ways to restore lost locks.

For more information on your hair restoration options, visit our website, or give us a call at (301) 591-6552. We’re happy to answer all of your questions and help you find the best treatment plan for yourself.